Now let me tell you about Paisley's personality. Unlike Mellie, she is a very content baby. As such, Mellie was crawling for I want to say two months before Paisley started crawling. Mellie took her first step near the end of her tenth month (she is now thirteen months) and now walks EVERYWHERE. Ms. Betty told me today that Paisley is still rather unsteady on her feet (remember this for later).
From the time that Mellie started crawling, she has a love/hate relationship with Paisley. The first stories I would hear were that Mellie woud take all the baby toys to the other side of the room and leave them there so Paisley couldn't play with them (when Mellie was crawling and Paisley was not). Then, Paisley started crawling. One day, shortly after Mellie started crawling, I personally witnessed Mellie crawl up to Paisley (who is chubbier and weighs more than Mellie) and she either tried to shove Paisley, or take a toy from her (I forget. Clearly, my near photographic memory is not any use when I actually need it!). Paisley responded by pushing Mellie back. Mellie than proceeded to crawl as fast as her hands and knees could take her to me and "tell" on Paisley by crying and otherwise having a hissy fit. I told her that it was about time Paisley started standing up for herself.
Most recently, the stories from Ms. Betty are generally related to Mellie pulling Paisley's hair (Paisley was born with a flop of dark hair on the crown of her hair, which has lightened significantly, but she still has TONS more hair than Mellie has). She then laughs when Paisley starts crying (understandable - I have also been the victim of Mellie's hair-pulling, and it HURTS! I have had to start tying my hair back at all times as a result. And yes, she laughs when I indicate that her pulling my hair is painful). There has been at least one incident of her grabbing Paisley's hair and then "bouncing" Paisley's head up and down (I'm sure this was in a friendly manner) while in time out for doing the exact same thing to another, younger, baby. Paisley was just
So, it sounds like they hate other, doesn't it? Or at least that Mellie gives Paisley plenty of REASONS to hate her, right? Honestly, they don't. One day, I was getting out of the car in Ms. Betty's driveway to go in and pick Mellie up. Paisley's mom, Jill, was already in the driveway with Paisley and her older brother Hudson and putting Paisley in the car while Hudson was busy telling me that Mellie looks like a robot when she walks (he, of course, is right...). Jill informed me that when Mellie saw Jill was there to pick up Mellie, she threw a HISSY FIT. And trust me, Mellie has HISSY FITS down to a FINE science.... Anyhow, I'm not sure I believed her. Afterall, most of the stories I hear about Mellie and Paisley are not so nice. But, sure enough, as soon as I got inside, Ms. Betty told me the exact same story. So, clearly they are friends, and probably spend quite a bit of time playing together well, it's just that these stories do not make it to me because they are less interesting and/or noteworthy (I'm very worried that Mellie is becoming a bully, though, so really, stories about her playing well with others would be very welcome, although probably not very interesting for blogs....).
So, this morning, I was dropping Mellie off at Ms. Betty (honestly, Ronnie has been doing this recently as it's already hard enough for me to get to work by
Anyhow, I'm not sure where, exactly, Paisley lives. There are about four different elementary schools in two different districts in the vicinity of our neighborhood. I guess, I am assuming she lives nearby, but I know her mother works at Foster High School, the local high school in LCISD, which is the same district that we are zoned to, so I am hoping that they will be going to the same elementary school. Will they be best friends forever? Will they be arch-enemies? Will their love-hate relationship continue? Only time will tell....
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